Wildlife art - wildlife paintings and prints
Wildlife art gallery - bird and wildlife paintings, illustrations and limited edition wildlife prints

 Wildlife Art - wildlife paintings and prints
  Gallery of bird and wildlife paintings, illustrations and wildlife art prints

  Shop for bird paintings and wildlife art original oil paintings for sale - wildlife paintings and bird paintings original oil paintings for sale limited edition prints - wildlife art prints for sale wildlife prints for sale
  Bird paintings duck pictures goose pictures songbirds pictures upland game birds peregrine falcon pictures
  Mammal paintings badger pictures pictures of otters red deer pictures pheasant pictures birds of prey pictures
  Landscape paintings winter scenes british birds  red fox pictures barn owl pictures brown hare pictures
Martin Ridley
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Promoting your websitebritish bird paintings and prints by bird artist martin ridley
How to benefit from links

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Tips on making the links work for you.

On this page you will find information on how to add links onto your website, which will link it to mine. I will then in reciprocation add two links pointing to your site.

Place the links on your website. Don't forget to e-mail me when they're uploaded and submit your links pages to the search engines.
  Option 1 - Time Saving
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Option 2 - Format Your Own

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Option 3 - Banner and Links
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Tips on getting the most out of linksbritish bird paintings and prints by bird artist martin ridley
It is important to set up your links correctly or you won't get the benefits you expected.

Understand the facts:

  1. Search engines index the content of your web pages using robot spiders.
  2. These spiders only follow text links.
  3. If the linking text contains "keywords" relevant to the destination site it will boost to its ranking.
  4. Many engines do not list pages unless they have at least one link to them.

Example of a useful link: Wildlife art - wildlife paintings by artist Martin Ridley

The above link contains keywords and can be followed by the search engine spiders, which means the link created will actually count as a link when engines are calculating "popularity rankings".

Including "keywords" also helps. "wildlife, art, paintings, artist, Martin Ridley"

These little touches can make a big difference to how a site is positioned on results.

Always make sure that you

  1. Include "link text" with any banner links
  2. Place relevant "keywords" in the text of the link
  3. Remember to add meta tags and submit your links pages to the search engines.
  4. Tell me when you have added your links so that I can promote your site.
  5. Seek links to several important pages in your site as many engines will not list pages unless they have links to them.

Email if you would like to develop links promoting more of your sites pages.

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free electronic greeting cards onlinefree wildlife screensavers by martin ridley

14 Wildlife Images - prints for sale
Selection of limited
edition prints for sale

You could copy and paste this HTML code into your links web page

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><a href="http://www.martinridley.com/" target="_top">Wildlife
art - paintings in progress by artist Martin Ridley</a></b></font> - view how
sketches, preparatory drawings & paintings are developed from initial
field encounters.</font><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><a href="http://www.wildlife-art-paintings.co.uk/" target="_top">Wildlife paintings and prints for sale</a></b></font>&nbsp;- archive
gallery of over 200 works of art. Original oil paintings and wildlife
art prints for sale.</font>

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(Press your left mouse click and highlight HTML code, then right click on highlighted text and copy. Right click and paste when in your HTML web page editor.)

It will give you these links.

Wildlife art - paintings in progress by artist Martin Ridley - view how sketches, preparatory drawings & paintings are developed from initial field encounters.

Wildlife paintings and prints for sale - archive gallery of over 200 works of art. Original oil paintings and wildlife art prints for sale.


Please link both sites in order to receive two links

Wildlife art - paintings by artist Martin Ridley
with a link to  http://www.martinridley.com

Wildlife art - oil paintings and prints for sale
with a link to  http://www.wildlife-art-paintings.co.uk


Simply copy and paste this HTML code into your links web page.

<table width="436" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" height="56" bgcolor="#CDBCFA" align="center"><tr><td>
<table width="434" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#14004F"><tr>
<td width="159"><img src="http://www.wildlife-art-paintings.co.uk/images/graphics/double-arrow.gif" width="159" height="50"></td><td width="228">
<table width="267" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="48"><tr>
<td valign="top" height="24"><a href="http://www.martinridley.com/" style="text-decoration: none;" target="_top"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#CDBCFA">Wildlife
art - paintings by artist Martin Ridley</font></a><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF">martinridley.com</font></font></td></tr><tr>
<td valign="bottom" height="24"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF">wildlife-art-paintings.co.uk</font><font color="#812E00" size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
</font><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://www.wildlife-art-paintings.co.uk" style="text-decoration: none;" target="_top"><font color="#CDBCFA" size="1">Wildlife
prints and original oil paintings for sale</font></a></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>

It will give you this
(Only the fox and arrows are a graphic so it is quick loading)

Wildlife art - paintings by artist Martin Ridley
Wildlife prints and original oil paintings for sale

If you are creating and formatting your own style of links please would you include some "keywords" in a "text link".

Don't forget to add "meta tags" to your links pages and submit them to the search engines.

Thank you very much for the links.
Our reciprocal links will help increase the number of visitors to both our sites!

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wildlife artist - martin ridley

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wildlife artist - martin ridley

Martin Ridley, Rossal, The Ross, Comrie, Crieff
Perthshire, Scotland PH6 2JU

Telephone: International +44 1764 670 695
UK  01764 670 695

wildlife art - wildlife paintings and limited edition prints

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Wildlife art prints
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  Bird paintings duck pictures goose pictures songbirds pictures upland game birds peregrine falcon pictures
  Mammal paintings badger pictures pictures of otters red deer pictures pheasant pictures birds of prey pictures
  Landscape paintings winter scenes british birds  red fox pictures barn owl pictures brown hare pictures
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free wildlife screensavers - wildlife paintings and bird paintings wildlife paintings - free wildlife screensavers
site interlinking bird paintings goose pictures barn owl pictures free egreeting cards
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