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Martin Ridley
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Upland game birds picturesGame birds - British bird paintings and prints by bird artist Martin Ridley
Original oil paintings of upland game birds

All the species of upland game birds listed below can be found within a few miles of my studio and I'm sure that so long as I live in the Scottish highlands I'll be painting plenty of pictures depicting game birds.

Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrixPictures of upland game birds Ptarmigan, Lagopus mutus  Ptarmigan - Pictures of upland game birds Red Grouse, Lagopus lagopus scoticusRed Grouse - British bird paintings and prints by bird artist Martin Ridley Capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus

Studying upland game birds

Upland game birds: share in my studies of black grouse, Tetrao tetrix - methods of observsation at a black grouse lek. Dug into the snow I set up an observation hide at an impressive grouse lek. View the resulting sketches and paintings of these impressive upland game birds studying upland game birds (Secret Location - Central Highlands of Scotland.)

upland game birds - pictures and paintings

In late winter and spring male black grouse congregate at traditional locations called leks, where they compete for the females. The blackgame arrive from miles around to display communally and fight to establish possession of the most valuable territory.

Pictures of upland game birds: a painting of a snow covered black grouse lek
Black Grouse Lek
Oil painting, 24 x 36 inches


Flight of Black Grouse
Oil painting, 30 x 24 inches, £2850

Pictures of upland game birds: a painting of three lekking black grouse
Frosty Morning, Black Game,
Tetrao tetrix
Oil painting, 12 x 16 inches

Pictures of upland game birds: a painting of black grouse roosting in snow covered branches
Black Grouse Roost,
Tetrao tetrix
Oil painting, 18 x 22 inches

Black Grouse in Snow Print

Black Grouse in Snow - Gamebird Print

The above oil painting features on the screensavers

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Pictures of upland game birds: sketch of displaying blackgame by Martin Ridley
Black Grouse,
Tetrao tetrix
Watercolour painting, 6 x 9 inches

Pictures of upland game birds: watercolour study of a black grouse
Lekking Blackgame,
Tetrao tetrix
Acrylic painting, 9 x 14 inches

Pictures of upland game birds: painting of lekking blackgame
Black grouse and Bog Myrtle
Watercolour painting, 9 x 14 inches


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The second of the upland game birds that I'm going top introduce you to is the ptarmigan. This really is a bird of the high mountain plateau. Ptarmigan favour altitudes of 2500 feet and above, moulting into a more camouflaged white plumage in preparation the snowy winter months.

Ptarmigan print "Ptarmigan Trio"
image approx. 406 x 610 x 3 mm
(approx. 16 x 24 inches)

Winter Ptarmigan in Snow - Gamebird Print

Ptarmigan print - Pictures of upland game birds: painting - ptarmigan by Martin Ridley
Ptarmigan Trio
Oil painting, 24 x 18 inches
Original Sold

Red Grouse
Oils, 23 x 17 inches, £1395
Sold 30/9/02

View more Red Grouse Paintings

Black grouse in silver birch
Oil painting 12 x 24 inches, £1145

Sold 5/12/05

black grouse canvas print
"Flight of Black Grouse", Gamebirds Print

Black Grouse in Flight over Snow -  Gamebird Prints

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wildlife artist - martin ridley

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wildlife artist - martin ridley

Martin Ridley, Rossal, The Ross, Comrie, Crieff
Perthshire, Scotland PH6 2JU

Telephone: International +44 1764 670 695
UK  01764 670 695

View how I studied black grouse: observing upland game birds
More: Game Bird Paintings

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